Dr. Fahmizal Web Blog
Welcome to my Blog, I'm an Electrical Engineer developing open-source hacks, building robots, open-source programming, embedded system, control system engineering and blogging, reading, writing, also teaching. I believe that creative engineering is indistinguishable from fine artwork. I’m a very strong believer and promoter of the “learn by doing” motto.

Now, I am working as an Assistant Professor at Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.


Mudah Belajar Desain Gambar Teknik Mekanika dengan Autodesk Inventor Student Version

Link pembelian: https://store.medsan.co.id/detail/978-623-195-018-5-mudah-belajar-desain-gambar-teknik-mekanika-dengan-autodesk-inventor-student-version

Mudah Belajar Arduino dengan Pendekatan Berbasis Fritzing, Tinkercad dan Proteus

Link pembelian: https://deepublishstore.com/produk/buku-mudah-belajar-arduino/

Mudah Belajar Desain Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Perangkat Elektronika Menggunakan Autodesk EAGLE dan Fusion360 Student Version

Link pembelian: https://deepublishstore.com/produk/buku-mudah-belajar-desain/