Dr. Fahmizal Web Blog
Welcome to my Blog, I'm an Electrical Engineer developing open-source hacks, building robots, open-source programming, embedded system, control system engineering and blogging, reading, writing, also teaching. I believe that creative engineering is indistinguishable from fine artwork. I’m a very strong believer and promoter of the “learn by doing” motto.

Now, I am working as an Assistant Professor at Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.







  • National
    • 2015 –  “Rancang Bangun Modul Praktikum Teknik Kendali dengan Studi Kasus pada Indentifikasi Sistem Motor-DC berbasis Arduino-Simulink Matlab” PDF view



  • Dissertation Thesis
    • Kendali Attitude pada Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Bicopter dengan Uncertainty pada Payload PDF view
  • Master Thesis
    • Development of a Sensor-Based Biped Robot Locomotion Controller for Uneven Terrain PDF view
  • Undergraduate Thesis
    • Final Project
      • Implementasi Sistem Navigasi Behavior Based dan Kontroler PID pada Manuver Robot Maze PDF view
    • Control System Course Project
      • Disain Kompensator Untuk Plant Motor DC Orde Satu PDF view
      • Estimasi Filter Kalman Pada Sistem Motor DC PDF view